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autour du monde en 888 jours

Les sites archéologiques de la vallée sacrée de Cusco

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Les sites archéologiques de la vallée sacrée de Cusco

Qallaq'asa, partie supérieure du site de Pisac Abstract : Machu Picchu is a household name and attracts millions of tourists each year but the sacred valley of Cusco in Southern Peru has hundreds of other archeological sites to show, many of them outstanding....

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Machu Picchu

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Machu Picchu

Abstract : Although we saw it in fog and rain, the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is definitely worth its reputation. Its structures are in good condition after restoration and the dramatic views on the site itself and the surrounding mountains and deep...

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Au milieu du monde

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Au milieu du monde

Abstract : Mitad del Mundo, the middle of the world ! An impressive monument on the 0° 0’ 0’’ line. A great place to cross the Equator in style, in Ecuador. Sur les navires d’autrefois, le passage de la ligne – l’équateur – donnait lieu à des cérémonies...

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Sur la côte caraïbe en Colombie

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Sur la côte caraïbe en Colombie

Abstract : two weeks on the Caribean Coast of Colombia – which would deserve much more. Two cities with an impressive colonial heritage : world famous Cartagena de Indias with its picture perfect walls, churches and palatial houses ; Santa Marta may look...

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Sur les routes d’Amérique centrale

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Sur les routes d’Amérique centrale

La plage de Red Frog sur l'île de Bastimientos, Panama (photo 1) ; le volcan Concepción sur l'île d'Ometepe au Nicaragua (photo 2) Abstract : From September 22 to November 5, we traveled by car across six Central American countries : Guatemala, El Salvador,...

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A Antigua et au lac Atitlán

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A Antigua et au lac Atitlán

L'arche de Santa Catalina, monument-symbole d'Antigua Abstract : West of Guatemala City, we visited the old capital of Antigua Guatemala and further west the volcanic lake of Atitlán, « the most beautiful lake in the world » according to explorer Alexander...

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Trains d'Amérique du nord

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Trains d'Amérique du nord

Au Nebraska, le 18 mai Abstract : we did not travel by train in the US and Canada this year but we saw many trains, mostly freighter trains, often very long ones. We liked them since they are highly symbolic of America’s and Canada's history. In Mexico,...

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